picture of me

hello friends, I'm

Mengmei Tu

Full Stack Web Developer

Nice to meet you.

I am an enthusiastic fullstack web developer with a passion for creating web applications and maintaining enhanced user experiences built on JavaScript technologies.

Technical Skills

HTML5, CSS3, ES6, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Bulma, React.js, Node.js, AJAX, MySQL, NoSQL, Express, HandlebarsJS, Git, Github, npm, Postman, AWS

Recent Projects.

Visit my GitHub to see more works by me.

Screenshot of IDC Eats

IDC Eats

Hungry and can’t decide where to eat? IDC Eats allows users to hit a button and find a restaurant nearby with preferences.

Features: Node, Express, React, MySQL, Material UI, Geolocation, Yelp API, Passport, Formik, Framer Motion

Screenshot of LibMaker project

LibMaker 3000

A Mad Lib generator that takes user input and plugs it into a predefined story template where the completed mad libs are saved into a database.

Features: JavaScript, Node, Express, Handlebars, MySQL, Sequelize, Mobile responsive

Screenshot of Eat-Da-Burger


A restaurant app that lets users input the names of burgers they'd like to eat.

Features: JavaScript, MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars, Homemade ORM, Mobile responsive

Screenshot of Corona Date project

Corona Date

Find events in a specific state with Covid-19 data.

Features: HTML, CSS, Bulma, JavaScript, jQuery, API, Mobile responsive

Screenshot of Eat-Da-Burger

Todo List

A simple todo list application built with React hooks. It allows you to add, update and delete your items stored in local storage.

Features: JavaScript, CSS, React, Mobile responsive

Screenshot of Weather Dashboard

Weather Dashboard

Weather app that provides current and future weather forecasts in cities.

Features: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, API, Bootstrap, Mobile responsive

Have a peachy day!